What We Do

This is a repository of random mind-vomit. It's a place where we store information that others might find interesting, informative, offensive, crude, mean, etc etc. I'll be recruiting bloggers later on, and if you're interested feel free to contact me via IRC.

I am an avid supporter of Anonymous and what they are doing against the CoS (Cult of Scientology) and will frequently reference key points of interests.

Global Protests

Next One: June 14th, 2008

"Since our campaign began, Anonymous has uncovered or brought into the public eye hundreds of illegal actions, fraudulent activities, and human rights violations perpetrated by the Church of Scientology."

The Most Important of all Protests

Ok, I was gone over the last few days as we were in Los Angeles for a family gathering. While there, Marc Headley set up a day for me and my family to get together with him and many of his Ex-Scientologist contacts and friends and family.

I talked to ALL kinds of ex-Scilons, including Jason Beghe and his family (his wife was an OT5), I met Astra and her dad Lawrence, Marc's wife Claire (the nicest lady ever), Tory Christman and several x-Scis who are either recently out or what you would call in between places now. Many of whom I was sworn to not reveal their names, but suffice it to say were related to DM and one has a relative on the Freewinds right now.

The two who were *really* significantly linked to DM and talked to me at great length about how to bring down the CoS and what Anonymous (whom everyone thinks is amazing) can do directly to effect change against the Church.

I was asked to pass this on, so I will. Now mind you, I fully understand that Anonymous is everyone and no one, so do with this information what you will. I am merely the messenger, please don't shoot me :)

The overall feeling was that Anonymous' target shouldn't really be the Church Org, the tech, or even Scientology as a "religion" because for many people, the tech really works, and for those who are still "in" like your average rank and file members, attacking something which still works for them would be a moot point.

These exes indicated it's the SEA ORG which needs to be protested (I know you all already know this) but what they meant is that there needs to be a protest at INT BASE, where so many of the abuses are happening and the majority of those being abused can be reached.
- DonOlsen



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